Rifle Dynamics & Defense

Upcoming Dates: TBA

James Price & Joshua Uy

Introduction to rifle. A rifle is the great equalizer, empowering citizens by providing them a force multiplier against several assailants. Its ease of use, low recoil, and ammo capacity greater than that of other firearms, all contribute to making a rifle an ideal choice for self-defense. We bring participants through the basics of handling, including firearm anatomy, loading, unloading, proper grip and stance, and zeroing the firearm. Marksmanship principles, such as aiming, trigger control, and sight alignment, will also be covered. All this will increase confidence and therefore proficiency with a rifle.

Disclaimer: An open mindset and a willingness to learn are essential attributes, as participants are expected to approach the course with a commitment to safety and a readiness to absorb the knowledge and skills provided. Class is approx. 5 hours long.

Prerequisite skills: While not mandatory, having a basic knowledge of firearm safety principles can be advantageous, as it contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the material covered during the course.

Packing list: Rifle caliber firearm, either stocked or braced, some sort of sighting system on the firearm (whether optic or iron sights), at least 200 rounds of corresponding caliber, eye and ear pro, and a sling is recommended but not necessary.