Intro-Close Quarters Battle
Upcoming 2025 Dates: Apr 27
INSTRUCTORS: James Price & Joshua Uy
COST: $150
CQB is dangerous, so train to be dangerous with speed, surprise, and violence of action. Dive into the theory of CQB and learn about many related topics including but not limited to safety measures, dynamic and deliberate entries, panning, solo and team CQB and communication, and CQB specific weapon handling. Learn the pros and cons of different weapon types for CQB. More importantly learn that there are key differences in civilian vs professional CQB.
Disclaimer: To get the most out of this class, students should have a basic understanding of the firearms they intend to bring. Class will take approx. 5 hours.
Prerequisite skills: Know how to field strip your firearm, have a basic knowledge of the firearm safety rules.
Packing list: Firearm of choice for home defense and at least 150 rounds of corresponding caliber (if bringing a shotgun, at least 50 shells), eye and ear pro, preferably a notebook and pen, a mind ready to learn.